Hen House temple columnHen House temple column
Why Hen House?Decentralized Opportunity & Tokenizing Real World Assets (Agriculture)
Why Hen House?

The rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall because it had been founded on the rock

Vision & Objectives
Vision & Objectives

To create an immersive interactive community by gamifying a blockchain-based farm. Initially tokenizing chickens then expanding into additional real world assets providing additional opportunity for expansion to our hen house collection

NFT Licensing and Reward System
NFT Licensing and Reward System

Ownership of the NFT will provide holders with an option to participate in a non-exclusive licensing agreement. Rewards will be earned through staking and via air drops from completion of objectives

Which upgrades should be our top priority?
Which upgrades should be our top priority?
The Team Building Behind the Scenes
The Team Building Behind the Scenes